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City of Janesville (Proposed) Zoning Code | Permit Center | Administrative Appeal

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Administrative Appeal
Description An administrative appeal is a legal process in which a property owner or a concerned party challenges an administrative decision the Zoning Administrator made as authorized by the City's zoning regulations. By their very nature, administrative decisions are purely ministerial, meaning the administrator applies the existing regulations with very little room for discretion. Therefore, an appeal generally alleges that the administrator misapplied the wrong code requirements or reached a decision contrary to the code requirements.
The Board of Zoning Appeals conducts a public hearing to review the administrator’s decision and to listen to arguments from both parties, review evidence, and make a decision. The board may uphold the original decision, modify it, or reverse it entirely. Because a decision can be overturned, the administrative appeal application must be submitted soon after the decision being appealed was made. During the review period, the administrative decision is put on hold.
The administrative appeals process is an important tool for ensuring that administrative decisions are fair, transparent, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Decisionmaker Zoning Board of Appeals makes the final decision

Appeals The Board's decision can be appealed to the circuit court.

Application Fee
Upcoming Meetings
There are no upcoming dates at this time.
Application Materials
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Primary Staff Contact
Brian Schweigl, Senior Planner
Estimated Time to Complete this Application Form
30 - 45 Minutes
About Reviewers
The following are involved in the review of this type of application.

The Zoning Board of Appeals includes 5 members and 2 alternates who are appointed by the City Manager. The board reviews variance applications and administrative appeals.

Planning staff provides technical support to the City Council, Plan Commission, Historic Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, developers, neighbors, and other interested parties to facilitate the development review process.